Setting Up Support Channels

Zaidesk provides you different communication options that are referred to as Support Channels.  You decide what channels you want to enable in your Zaidesk account and how your customers can reach you.

  1. Send an email to support email
  2. Live Chat
  3. Web Portal

Sending Email to support Email

You can share the support email that is provided by zaidesk to your customers. The email sent on support email will become a ticket in zaidesk. Email support is always supported.

Live Chat

Live chat with customer functionality is also provided. An agent can have live chat with multiple customers.

To enable Live chat go to Admin > Manage > Live Chat and enable the Enable Live Chat button. Here all basic settings of your live chat system customized such as Allowed agent idle time (in minutes),Chat Link Text,Byline for Online,Byline for Offline, Title Color,Chat Link Color,Chat Button Text For Online,Chat Button Text For Offline and Chat Button Color.

Web Portal

If web portal is enabled and you allow everyone to submit tickets then all guest users can submit ticket without being registered to zaidesk.

To do so go to Admin > Settings > Customers and enable the "web portal" and "everyone can submit new ticket on portal". If only web portal is enabled then portal is visible to customers but only registered users can submit tickets.

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