How to add knowledge base?

Knowledge base is divided into two parts: Categories and Articles.


You can organize your knowledge base content into categories and sections and manage the order of those categories and sections.

Categories are the top-level organizing containers of the Help Center. Categories contain sections and sections contain articles. The Help Center must have at least one category. If you have only one category in your Help Center, then the category itself is hidden to end-users, and they see only the sections in your Help Center.

Lets create a new category

  1. Go to Admin > Knowledge Base > Categories.
  2. Click on [New Category] button.
  3. Select the name of category, status and description.
  4. Click on the [Submit] button.
  5. After submitting the category is started showing in the knowledge base.

Adding Articles to the Knowledge base

Guide managers can create new articles and edit all existing articles in the knowledge base. Agents who are not Guide managers can create and edit articles if they have management permissions. End-users can't contribute articles to the knowledge base.

Guide managers can create new articles. Agents can create new articles if they have management permissions. Agent privileges for new articles vary depending on their management permissions. See the complete list of agent privileges for existing, published articles.

Lets create a new article

  1. Go to Admin > Knowledge Base > Articles.
  2. Click on [New Article] button.
  3. Select the name of category, previously added category, status and description.
  4. Click on the [Submit] button.
  5. After submitting the article is started showing in the category of knowledge base.

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